Description: Utah’s Conservation Plan for Greater Sage-grouse (Plan) is designed to eliminate the threats facing the Greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) while balancing the economic and social needs of the residents of Utah through a coordinated program which provides for a• incentive-based program for private, local government and School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration (SITLA) lands, and a• reasonable and cooperative regulatory programs on other state and federally managed lands. This Plan is anchored around efforts to conserve the species within eleven specifically identified Sage-grouse Management Areas (SGMAs). These SGMAs encompass the highest sage-grouse breeding density areas, which together currently support greater than 90% of the Utah aggregate population of greater sage-grouse. The SGMAs represent the best opportunity for high-value, focused conservation efforts for the species in Utah.Sage-grouse habitat outside the SGMAs is not required for long-term conservation of the species, therefore, no specific management actions for this habitat are recommended or required in the Plan.
Copyright Text: Utah Department of Natural Resources